What do you call Google's Adserver?

What do you call Google's Adserver?

Google’s ad server, CM360, is the most popular on earth. But that’s besides the point. The real questions is what do you call it and what does it say about you?

Name Stand For Last Year Current What It Says
DFA DoubleClick For Advertisers 2018 A graybeard with perhaps too much knowledge about ad serving, any who debates with you should consider themselves warned .
DCM DoubleClick Campaign Manager 2020 You have longstanding experience with the adserver which may or may not be relevant anymore. Or you have a lot to prove on the subject of your ability to traffick ads. 1
CM360 Campaign Manager 360 Current! You use Google’s ad server to traffick your ads. You are also wet behind the ears, and may need a diaper change.

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